Serie A TIM


The Eagles’ match against Fiorentina at the Picco ended 1-2. The words of coach Thiago Motta after the match:

"We faced a difficult match against a good team built to reach Europe; in some moments we suffered and in others we had some goal occasions that we were not able to concretize and in the end, the result did not reward us. I congratulate Fiorentina for their game and for the three points, but I must also congratulate my boys because they were good at interpreting the match and staying focused until the end.

I'm sorry for the result, surely there are still many things to improve, but the road is the right one.

Tonight the boys have always remained united and compact and I'm satisfied with their performance; they are putting all their energy into the game and showing that they have the right spirit.

The frustration of losing a game at the last minute can't be denied, but we knew we were facing a strong team that is having a great season and we did it the right way, with energy and desire to bring home the three points. The boys fought on every ball from the beginning to the end, we lacked a bit of control of the game, but it was also thanks to Fiorentina because it is a team that knows how to press and leaves few spaces between the lines.

I'm very satisfied, we know that our matches are never easy especially when we face teams that have very different goals, but we also have an important and different goal to reach with the spirit we saw tonight. Our road is long and difficult, but we must face game after game with the desire and energy we saw tonight.

We have today and tomorrow to digest the defeat, then we'll head straight to Bologna, we'll have to be good at playing our game and trying to get a positive result.

The block of the transfer market has not penalized us, we knew from the beginning that this would be the case and it has been an extra incentive for the players to prove their worth and to continue working at their best.

The fans have been fantastic, from the first minute they have given a great boost to both me and the players, their contribution is fundamental. The fans see how hard the players are working, they are giving their all, there is a great connection with them, and I am sure that as long as we continue on this path we will have them by our side ready to support us."

(Photo LaPresse)