Serie A TIM


Vincenzo Montella and the Colombian centre-back Cristian Zapata were the two Red and Blacks to present the return match of the third qualifying round of the Europa League against CSU Craiova, at San Siro on 3 August at 8.45 pm CEST. These were their words ahead of the European San Siro debut.

"I expect a better game from us from the psychological point of view, more than physical compared to the match at Craiova, although the team had the right approach. We have to maintain this approach also at San Siro. We have improved also physically, we managed to get over the time difference. We have to keep in mind that we had only three days to prepare for the match against Craiova after coming back from China. I expect to see some improvements".

"They surely are a well-organised team who defend well and they have shown to have good pace also up front. We have to keep concentrated for the entire match, the risk is we become too stretched. Despite the gap between the two teams, if we don't give hundred percent the game can become insidious. We must respect our opponents. The most important thing tomorrow is the result but we want to play well in front of our fans".

"Playing at San Siro in front of so many fans is something really great but also a big responsibility. The Red and Black fans have shown they believe in us and in the work the club has done. They are showing all their love and support. There's great enthusiasm".

"In the past, the club always chose the captain. This season, the new management has asked to pick the captain among the new signings as a symbol of the club's new era. I'm taking my time to choose the right person".

"André Silva is improving, I would like to field him tomorrow but I'll decide tomorrow. Could the fact that the club is looking for a new striker put him under pressure? A top player that plays in a top club needs to hold the pressure. He's very young and has all the qualities to be a key player in this team. Calhanoglu? He's doing better, he still needs to improve physically but is a player of great talent".

"Gigio has grown as a man this summer, he was always in the public eye. I hope the fans will welcome him warmly tomorrow. He has shown his love for this club, it probably took him a bit of time, but these things can happen. He needs the support of his fans".

"He has only just resumed training with the group. He's improving and he needs to play more to improve his shape. But this is a delicate match and I can't risk fielding too many players who are not hundred percent fit. I'll decide tomorrow. His contract extension? It's clear to everyone that both the club and I hold Suso in great esteem. Cutrone? He's improving day after day. I enjoy working with him. He's a great asset to the club".

Also Cristian Zapata spoke to the media at the press conference at Milanello:

"There's great enthusiasm. It's great to see San Siro packed with fans in August I am working well and I try to give my best to the team. I hope it's going to be a great season for all of us and the fans. The "old guard" is here to help the new players settle in. We have improved a lot in these days. we have to show it tomorrow, it's not easy in Europe but we will play in front of our fans and we have to show our improvements and that we are a solid team. We have lots of strong defenders and this motivates, even more, to train hard and give my best. We are all available to do well. We are a great Group. Bonucci? He's a great defender he won everything with Juve and I am sure that he will be of great help, both in a 3-man or 4-man defence".

(Photo LaPresse)