Serie A TIM


Inter won their fifth game of the season against Verona tonight but Roberto Mancini is refusing to get carried away:

"It's the same situation as it was last Sunday. Four or five wins in a row don't alter the path we're on. We're putting a few points away for the winter. We're only five games into the season and there's still a long way to go. It's right that we should be happy but we need to stay calm because there will be some difficult times ahead. I'm not happy with the first 20 minutes of the game. We were a bit off colour, maybe we were a tad tired. But then we came out strong after the break and played well in the second half".

"The first few games of the season are never easy and if you look at the results of the other teams you can see that. Verona defended really well today and it wasn't easy to get the three points."

"I'm happy for Felipe Melo and for the team. Every now and then he comes up with a goal like that. Ljajic can do better. He's an immensely talented player but needs time to adjust to our playing style. I'm happy to see Biabiany back on the pitch. He's still a young lad and a very good player. He's an extra option for us in that position. We'll need everyone this year."

(Photo LaPresse)