Serie A TIM


Fiorentina coach Giuseppe Iachini spoke ahead of the clash at Genoa, on Matchday 29 in Serie A 2020/21.

ON PRANDELLI - "I have respect for Prandelli, we have a great relationship. I prefer not to comment further on this, he spoke for himself."

ON RETURNING - "I never thought Fiorentina would call me back. But I have a bond with Fiorentina, the club and the team, I am a Fiorentina fan - so I was thinking positively, hoping for results to improve. Things didn't go as planned, and like last season, when needed I was called again. I hope to find out what isn't working, and to improve straight away. Things didn't work out in the first months for a number of reasons. I'm not looking for excuses, just stating facts. We couldn't prepare the season as we wanted, like all teams, and had several injuries."

ON THE TEAM - "Every member of the team needs to know the team they represent. They wear a glorious shirt, and need to show this from start to finish of every match. My aim is to have everyone on top form, including the likes of Kouame and Callejon. It's not a matter of individuals, be it Iachini or Prandelli, Pezzella or Ribery - every single member of the team needs to do their part, with the right team spirit. The club said we need to be united, the President is close to us, he is our first fan. We need the points - that's all we're thinking about. Tactics and systems can be important, but we must attack and defend as a team, that's fundamental. And we can reach this by working on a daily basis. We want to once again be strong at the back, and at the same time attack as a team with several attacking players, like at the end of last season."

ON INDIVIDUALS - "Vlahovic scored a few goals with me last season, without taking any penalties. At the start of the season whenever people asked me about him, I always said that he needed to stay because of his potential.  He was harshly criticised after the Inter game, but I played him the following match. He needed more time to be on top form, and once he did he took his chances. Same goes for Eysseric, who has showed his worth."

(Photo Getty Images)