Serie A TIM


At Milanello, Gennaro Gattuso held his press conference before the final training session and squad announcement ahead of the match at San Sirobeween AC Milan and lazio in the 32nd round of Serie A  TIM fixtures.

"Lazio are a very physical side and well-organised, they can always fill the box with different players when attacking. A great competitive spirit will be needed with lots of strength and desire. They take a lot of energy from you and we've always had to work a lot against them. This year, over two million fans have come to San Siro and that’s something incredible. This gives us more responsibility. A brave performance will be required, one where we battle and play well technically. We need to win, even if it will be difficult. Tomorrow will be a vital match for the league table."

On the team: "The team is alive, we're going into the game after a good week of work. I'd take the performance from the Juventus game but with fewer mistakes. I only want to see the same mentality with a compact and composed team. We need to only think about the pitch, without any excuses and believe in what we're doing. This team can and must improve as can I but compared to a year ago, we've improved on a mental level. I'm more in my element at times of difficulty compared to the happier times. I'm not afraid."

About the Champions League race: "I watched Sampdoria v Roma and it was an open game, decided by a single episode. Atalanta have quality and quantity, they don’t seem to tire and they're unique in their style of play. They've been doing incredible things for years and have a great mentality."

On the individuals: "I would like to see the real Suso again, he did well against Juve. Some changes in defence? We'll see. Next week, Donnarumma should be back. Paquetá is improving lots, today or tomorrow he'll run on sand and we'll evaluate next week how to proceed with his recovery. We need to improve how we’re taking our corners, if the ball isn't getting over the first man at the moment it's down to individuals. Borini to start? We'll see. We played well in the midfield in Turin, we could have done better on the ball but I still hope that this part of the team will give its best again tomorrow. Conti was doing very well yesterday after training in part with the squad and in part on his own, we’ll evaluate him today hoping that he will be available." 

(Photo Getty Images)