Coppa Italia Frecciarossa


The partnership between Lega Serie A and Trenitalia's Frecciarossa is enriched with a new chapter. After the great success of the last edition, the national cup will keep the name Coppa Italia Frecciarossa for the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 seasons.

Frecciarossa, a brand that symbolises Italian spirit, technological development and high speed, is also confirmed as Travel Partner of Serie A TIM and eSerie A TIM.

The collaboration between Lega Serie A and Trenitalia is further consolidated with the commitment in the world of sport of the leading company in the mobility of people. 
During the season there will be digital and social initiatives and a programme of benefits and promotions involving fans and supporters.

"We express great satisfaction for the continuation of this journey with Trenitalia, an Italian excellence committed every day to the fast transport of millions of people across the country - said Lorenzo Casini, President of Lega Serie A -. Just as it happens daily in the connections between places and people, the Coppa Italia Frecciarossa will ideally unite Italy through a competition that we are certain will give, also this year, great emotions to all the fans".

"The last edition of the Coppa Italia Frecciarossa - highlighted Luigi Corradi, CEO of Trenitalia - was full of emotions and we have decided to continue this path with Lega Serie A. Being alongside, once again, of the Coppa Italia, confirms Trenitalia's commitment in supporting sport and culture at a time when sporting and cultural events are back in full swing, as are train journeys".

"The repositioning strategy of the Coppa Italia, which began a year ago with a new sports format and a new domestic broadcaster such as Mediaset, has generated growing audiences thanks to increasingly hard-fought matches," commented Lega Serie A CEO Luigi De Siervo. "The renewal with Frecciarossa confirms the growth in value of the competition and the great appreciation of a 'national champion' such as Frecciarossa. Thanks to the collaboration with Trenitalia we will be able to offer new services to the fans of all participating teams, allowing them to reach, with dedicated promotions, the cities where the matches will be played".

"Frecciarossa is a symbol of Italianness, speed and excellence - commented Pietro Diamantini, Trenitalia's High Speed Business Director - and it accompany the most important sporting events such as the Coppa Italia. A competition that brings together the country's teams from North to South, just as we, with our connections, unite the big cities and reach hundreds of locations this summer, even those far from the major flows but with high tourist, cultural and landscape attraction".

(Photo LaPresse)