Serie A TIM


Following the 0-0 draw the Stadio Tardini against Frosinone, Roberto D’Aversa met journalists in the media room to comment on the match.

"If we analyse the game, it’s a positive result considering we played for 30 minutes with ten men and it maintains the distance from a direct rival in the race for survival even if we initially wanted three points,” he said. “We’ll look at the positive side considering that we kept a clean sheet and took a result. The red card? It’s a shame because it came from a situation where we had the ball. I don’t believe it was a malicious challenge although I haven’t seen it back again".

The Gialloblù coach spoke also about the physical condition of Gervinho, Grassi and Inglese: "Physically, Gervinho is in a different position compared to Inglese and Grassi but the performances don’t depend on individual players. If we look at Gervinho, compared to the Cagliari and Empoli games we were a bit slow in getting the ball to him. Grassi spent an entire week training with the group while Inglese only trained twice. This week, let’s hope they can train with greater consistency. I need to applaud Inglese though because we didn’t think that he’d be able to make the bench, it shows that he feels an attachment to the shirt that will be very important as we pursue our objective".

(Photo Getty Images)