Serie A TIM

Bologna and its partners organise a collection of basic necessities

In light of the ongoing crisis, Bologna took action in providing support for those in difficulty, launching a project to distribute basic food items and health kits along with the Club’s food and beverage partners.

Bologna's partners responded right away to Bologna’s call to action, donating food products to two charities in the Bologna area. Along with these food donations, Bologna will also supply health kits including masks and sanitation products, with the packs purchased directly by the Club and delivered to the relevant associations.
The initiative came about as part of an ongoing project, which will continue over the coming months with the aim of strengthening the sense of community within the area, spreading the Rossoblù motto of “We Are One” beyond the stadium gates and around the entire city.

The target associations are Arca della Misericordia (Ark of Mercy) and the Case Zanardi Network for Food Assistance in Bologna, two organisations heavily involved in distributing basic necessities to people and families in difficulty.

Bologna have been working with Arca della Misericordia for years, providing any food products left over from the stadium hospitality areas on matchdays. Arca della Misericordia, inspired by the principles of human solidarity, provides assistance to those in need by offering food, clothing and housing for the homeless, and help 170 families in Bologna, benefitting the lives of 500 people through the distribution of their food and clothing packages. Check out their website for more information:

The Case Zanardi Network for Food Assistance in Bologna works closely with the Municipality of Bologna, organising the collection and distribution of food for families struggling with unemployment and housing or social difficulties. Check out their Facebook page for more information:

(Photo Getty Images)