Serie A TIM


This is what Andrea Bertolacci had to say to the Milan Channel during the Twitter Media Italia event:

"The social networks are important and useful for the supporters to get close and understand how we live outside of the pitch. We were a bit unlucky, just like against Udinese. We have to restart from the second half, where we did better. We came from a series of nine consecutive positive results, we cannot withdraw. We regret, we must come back to winning ways. It will be hard against Lazio but we need to face them with the right menthal approach. If we do it, we can face every opponents".

"The woodworks? What a pity. I also aim at goal, last year I scored easily. I need to sharpen my focus and be a bot more lucky".

"We already spoke about our attitude. Sometimes it happens that we are not brillant in the first half and then we improve in the second one. I don't know why, we have to make a self-examination. When we face big teams, we have the right approach, while when we face the small ones, we relax. We were really angry after these two last games. We want to return to the heights. The season is not over yet. The team is compact, we want to give an important sign. Abbiati's words were conctructive. He has been playing at Milan for 20 years and is an example for all players".

"We are a good group, these two games cannot insinue doubt that we are not. I'm in a good shape. Goals may change opinions. A Cup would be important, we have still a chance to gain it. There are still nine games left to play in the Serie A TIM, then we will think to the TIM Cup."

(Photo LaPresse)